Manage Project Global Color

    Update once, apply all.


    Global colors are important because it helps to standardize your color usage throughout the entire project. You can pick up to 25 unique colors. These color options will be made available in XTOPIA Editor when you are creating your pages.

    Any change on the colors will automatically be updated throughout your entire project.


    1. Choose your project (this step is only available for users with multiple projects).
    2. Click on “Settings” on the dashboard.
    3. Select “Colour” on the left panel.
    4. To update specific color:
      - Select the color box.
      - Use the color picker to choose your color or key in your RGB / Hex code.
    5. To update a row of colors:
      - Select the first color box on the left.
      - Use the color picker to choose your color or key in your RGB / Hex code.
      - The system will auto generate the color intensity automatically across the whole row.
    6. Click “Apply” on bottom right when done.

    - Updating the first color box in a row will automatically overwrite the rest of the colors in the same row.
    - Default colors are not changeable.
    - It is advisable to start by generating the row colors and manage each color boxes progressively later on.


    Update once, apply all.


    Global colors are important because it helps to standardize your color usage throughout the entire project. You can pick up to 25 unique colors. These color options will be made available in XTOPIA Editor when you are creating your pages.

    Any change on the colors will automatically be updated throughout your entire project.


    1. Choose your project (this step is only available for users with multiple projects).
    2. Click on “Settings” on the dashboard.
    3. Select “Colour” on the left panel.
    4. To update specific color:
      - Select the color box.
      - Use the color picker to choose your color or key in your RGB / Hex code.
    5. To update a row of colors:
      - Select the first color box on the left.
      - Use the color picker to choose your color or key in your RGB / Hex code.
      - The system will auto generate the color intensity automatically across the whole row.
    6. Click “Save” on bottom right when done.

- Updating the first color box in a row will automatically overwrite the rest of the colors in the same row.
- Default colors are not changeable.
- It is advisable to start by generating the row colors and manage each color boxes progressively later on.

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